– Section: Original Multiplayer
– Author: aLTis
– Description: Ascetic is a small symmetrical map designed for 4-6 players. Best played on CTF and KOTH but other gametypes can be fun as well.
The map was originally being made back in 2015 after I had a dream of a small map similar to Sandtrap. I didn’t think the map worked well so I stopped working on it. In late 2019 I had an idea that might make the map more interesting: mirroring one side of the map and duplicating the middle building to make the map bigger. After messing around with that idea I got inspired to finish the map. Since the map is still fairly small it allowed me to put a lot of detail on it without hitting the engine limits which I’m used to and that gave me more freedom. I spent a lot of time working on visuals to see how good I can make things look and I hope it shows. The map still isn’t perfect and there are some things I’d rather change (I wish I had dome something better with the doors in the middle that serve no real purpose) but I don’t want to spend any more time working on this since nobody is going to play this map anyway lol.
There is a backpack weapons script that requires a Chimera build that supports scripting. There are 2 Open Sauce post processing effects: ambient occlusion and volumetric lighting. Volumetric lighting also requires Chimera to work.
There are a few well hidden easter eggs in the map. You won’t be able to find them using devcam so look for clues first. I challenge all of you to find all of the secrets!
– Original Release Date: 1/12/20
– Map Name: ascetic.map
– Size: 48.7mb