– Section: Biped Tags
– Author: MrChromed (ShadowMods)/Viking Mapping Team (VKMT/VKNG)
– Description: This is a “Non Open Sauced” version from the VKMT’s Mark VI armor. It uses new shaders and textures made by MrChromed, and original biped and model made by VKMT/VKNG.Issues such as rigging may appear.
Animations from aLTis (Bigass.model_animations). I hope VKMT don’t judge me for upload this. Their work is fantastic!, and I just wanted to do a version available for people who don’t like Open Sauce.
These tags can work with normal HEK or Open Sauce.
MrChromed, 2015.
– Original Release Date: 2/24/16
– Size: 8.48mb

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