Welcome to the new CE3!
If you don’t know who we are, we’re Slow Bullet and MattDratt! We’ve been making Halo: Custom Edition related videos for over 10 years now!
We are back and are going to try to be a bit more stable than normal. Our current goal is to upload a new video bi-weekly but we may post later or sooner depending on the show and how much we are able to keep up our videos based on our schedules (we both work full time jobs)
Now you might be asking, what videos will we be posting? It can’t just be HMU every other week (and it’s not thankfully).
MODCASE is a brand new show we are premiering today. The idea is a mini-CE3 Live. We take the stage to highlight a single mod or a series of similar themed mods for Halo: Custom Edition or MCC. Sometimes original, sometimes featured, maybe even sometimes unreleased? Time will tell. There isn’t much of a format for this show yet other than it’s center stage and hosted by us! Who knows what we’ll get up to here!
Check it out now!
ServerJump is a new machinima we are working on. There probably won’t be much more to talk about for a while but since we need outside help on this, it will more than likely get around that we are making this. Season 1 will consist of eight episodes (4-8 minutes long) and most likely premiere Q1 2021. Stay tuned on this one. We’re super excited at how it’s turning out so far! Our pilot episode is about done and we couldn’t be happier with the results.
HaloMaps Update (HMU) will of course still be around to terrorize us and take way too long to make. We will keep showing off every single new Halo Custom Edition mod that gets uploaded. This also consists of our map archive which we will keep up on http://ce.haloce3.com for the foreseeable future.
CE3 Talk is a more of a relaxed mini-podcast where we will go further in depth on several topics relating to Custom Edition, MCC, Halo, or anything in between. This show will overall be less produced on the video side of things, but don’t worry, we will come into these with set topics and outlines to discuss and we hope to always add to a conversation than to just fill in.