Submit Maps/Tags/Ect to HMU (for release):
Want to submit maps to us for release? We’ll release a download on our site and show off your map in the next HMU!
DO NOT UPLOAD JUST THE MAP FILE! Please compress a readme file and a map file into a ZIP or RAR file and upload below. MP maps must have unique names. Having issues?
1. Only Halo CE related files or programs.
2. No overly adult content (hardcore porn, etc).
3. MP maps must have unique names. If they match names with another map here or on it will be rejected.
4. ZIP/RAR your files together. Otherwise it will get lost in the upload folder (Zip preferred).
5. Include a readme.txt with your name and any other info you want to include about your map/tags.
6. Map packs are OK if (1) they are your own maps and (2) they are brand new unique maps (not already uploaded). For example, you created a campaign mod, you can zip all of the maps together. Packs will only be able to be downloaded in packs.
6. You must include images with tag uploads (when applicable)! We will not take them for you.
Not sure about your file status? Check out twitter regarding rejections.