Refined UI Map

– Section: UI
– Author: Refined Halo Development Team
– Description: The main people working on the refined tagset, as well as the multiplayer
and singleplayer maps compiled from it, have been myself(Moses), Mortis,
Jesse, and Vaporeon. I’m responsible for making Refinery and enabling us
to properly extract all tags from Xbox and PC, as well as writing several
tools and converters to allow us to convert those tags to Custom Edition.

These tools are the main reason this tagset even exists, everything from
Jesse getting the original xbox hud bitmaps to work with, to Vaporeon
being able to rip all the xbox music and provide us with ingame music
that starts, stops, and loops when and how it should.

However, tools only get you so far. You need knowledgable, skilled, and
dedicated people to actually use the tools and do something with them.
Here are a few words from the people who helped put all this together.
– Original Release Date: 12/10/18
– Map Name:
– Size: 12mb
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